= Cannabis sativa Cannabis sativa subsp. indica (Lam.) E.Small & Cronquist Cannabis sativa L. Names.
Wie wirkt Cannabis Sativa? Eine Typ Frage | Hanfsamenladen Deshalb ist der Körper der Cannabis Indica Pflanzen auch eher klein und kompakt: sie setzt voll auf Robustheit. Die Knospen werden groß und wachsen sehr dicht beieinander. Am Ende ist es nicht nur die Optik, die den Unterschied macht, sondern die Wirkung. Die Wirkung von Cannabis Sativa ist einzigartig, genau wie die von Cannabis Indica.
What is the Difference between Sativa and Indica Strains? from CannabisNet on Vimeo. Effects of Cannabis: The effects of marijuana can vary greatly depending on sub-species and strain. The plant . species Cannabis sativa L. has two main sub-species used for medicinal purposes: Cannabis . indica and Cannabis sativa. Indicas
sativa, and C. sativa subsp. indica. 21 Dec 2018 Linnaeus named Cannabis sativa L. (hereafter as C. sativa) as a (C.
Small's and Cronquist's system defines cannabis as one species (C. sativa L.), but separates two subspecies: sativa and indica. Each subspecies, in turn, has
Sativa 3-6 m. high. 2) Cannabis Sativa L. subsp. Indica 5-7 m. high. 3) Cannabis Sativa L. subsp. Cannabis sativa (hemp) is a herbaceous species of plants in the family Cannabaceae, with a self-supporting Vanessa indica Herbst 1794 (Asian Admiral).
indica is reserved for. These two groups are treated respectively as subsp. sativa and indica, of C. nabis sativa L. and Cannabis indica Lam., and to lectotypify the names Cannabis. กัญชง หรือ เฮมพ (Cannabis sativa L.subsp.
spontanea growing wild in Austria were analyzed comparatively. 16 Oct 2019 Thus, the two are referred to here as C. sativa L. subsp.
Taxonavigation: Rosales. Classification System: Cannabis sativa sensu Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 772.
Hingegen besitzen Cannabis-Indica-Sorten eine beruhigende Wirkung, weshalb sie meist zur Nacht verschrieben werden. Auch Kombinationen aus Sativa und Indica sind möglich und für Patienten geeignet, die für eine individuelle Hanf (Art) – Wikipedia Die Erstveröffentlichung von Cannabis sativa erfolgte durch Carl von Linné. Ob der Indische Hanf (Cannabis indica) eine eigene Art oder eine Unterart von Cannabis sativa ist, ist umstritten. Dies gilt auch für Cannabis ruderalis. Innerhalb der Art Cannabis sativa L. unterscheiden manche Autoren zwei Varietäten: Cannabis sativa - Wikispecies Cannabis americana Pharm. ex Wehmer; Cannabis chinensis Delile; Cannabis erratica Siev.
What Is The Difference Between Sativa And Indica Marijuana? - What is the Difference between Sativa and Indica Strains? from CannabisNet on Vimeo. Effects of Cannabis: The effects of marijuana can vary greatly depending on sub-species and strain. The plant .
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The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file (Unicode UTF-8 encoding).. See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions. What Is The Difference Between Sativa And Indica Marijuana? - What is the Difference between Sativa and Indica Strains? from CannabisNet on Vimeo.